Après-midi de la Saint Georges au Brésil

Saint George Afternoon in Brazil

nFraternal meeting to meditate on the example of the life of our patron, Saint George, and to share experiences with the brothers of another FSE Association. This was the “Saint George afternoon” programme, carried out by the Association of Catholic Guides and Scouts...
Bonne fête de la Saint-Georges !

Happy St George’s Day!

Saint George, Patron Saint of Scouts The martyr St George, chosen by Baden-Powell as the patron saint of all Scouts of all branches, is celebrated by the Church on 23 April, which is also therefore Scouting Day. It is on this day that every Guide and Scout renews and...
Semper Parati!

Semper Parati!

Le 11 avril 2021, dimanche de la Miséricorde Divine, dans les quartiers nécessiteux de la ville de Marabá, dans le Pará, des groupes du Mouvement Scout Catholique Brésilien de l’Association des Guides et Scouts Catholiques du Brésil – AGEBR – ont...