UIGSE-FSE is led by a Federal Council, a Federal Bureau and a Federal Commission.

The Federal Council is composed of the federated associations’ representatives. It meets usually every year in October. Its purpose is to define the Union’s programme and course of action, to decide on the admission of new associations, to approve the federal financial report, to elect the members of the Federal Bureau and of the working commissions.

The Federal Bureau includes the Federal Commissioner, the Federal Chairman, the Federal Vice-Chairman and the Federal Secretary. The Federal Religious Adviser and the Federal Commissioner’s deputies take part in the Bureau’s meetings with advisory vote. The role of the Federal Bureau is to run the Union day-by-day.

The Federal Commissioner leads the Union. He/She keeps in touch with the various associations, disseminates information, follows up its development, and sets the conditions for fruitful teamwork among the various associations. Therefore, the commissioner is helped by a team (Federal Commission) with specific responsibilities.


For the time being, the federal functions are shared as follows:

  • Federal Commissioner: Nathalie Flama (Belgium)
  • Federal Chairman: Jean-Luc Angélis (France)
  • Federal Vice-Chairman: Joanna Skowrońska (Poland)
  • Federal Secretary: Robin Sébille (France)
  • Federal Treasurer: Tanguy Desrousseaux (Luxembourg)
  • Federal Religious Adviser: Father Thomas Michelet (France)
  • International Project Officer of the Union: Eléonore Taylor (France)

    Federal Council 2018 – Saint-Cergue (Switzerland)