EUROJAM 2014 – « Venite et videte ! »
Eurojam 2014 took place in Normandy (France) from August 1st to 10th, 2014. Coming from 18 European and American countries, 13,000 guides and scouts lived a scouting camp in the forest to celebrate European fraternity.
During ten days, they experienced intercultural meetings, adjusting to diversity and finding ingenious ways in twinnings; they also experienced joy and laughter in the joint gatherings, discovering other cultures, overcoming personal limits, getting a deeper understanding of the Scout law in the “city in the woods”, and strengthening their relationship with our Lord through the various celebrations and teachings…

Venite et Videte! Come and you will see! It’s the invitation that Jesus gave John the Baptist‘s disciples on the banks of the Jordan river who had just come to ask Him: “Rabbi, where are you staying?”(John 1, 38). In this very simple dialogue the meeting of two deep desires shows up: that of man seeking God and that of God wanting to open the treasures of His house to every man. Thus, these two phrases “Come and you will see” echo in us like a personal call from Jesus to follow Him. He who lights up the path of our lives and deepens our thirst to know Him.

Consecration of the UIGSE to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
At the occasion of Eurojam’s opening mass on August 3rd, 2014
On the occasion of this Eucharist at Eurojam 2014’s opening, I, Martin, Federal Commissioner, together with all the General Commissioners, consecrate solemnly the International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe to the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We entrust the whole Union and its members to Him, in what they live and what they do, the pains and sufferings they go through, the joys and hopes they live during their scouting activities and their life in the world, so that all in the Union may only serve to honour, love and glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We therefore take You, O Sacred Heart, to be the only object of our love, the guardian of our Union, the assurance of its salvation, the cure for its weaknesses and lack of constancy, the remedy for all its faults, the source of its joyful peace, and the destination of its route.
Be then, O Heart of goodness, our justification before God the Father, let us savour the soft power of Your infinite mercy. O Heart of love, we place all our trust in You, and we hope for all things from Your goodness.
Burning heart of tenderness, remove from us all that may displease or resist You. Let Your pure love imprint itself so deeply upon our hearts, that we may never be able to forget You or be separated from You. We bless You for accepting to live within our Union and may our happiness and glory be to live and die while being all yours.

The Eurojam story
Eurojam is the large international rally of the guides and scouts from all over the UIGSE countries, that takes place every ten years. The Eurojam rallies had been preceded by a certain number of international camps since the beginning of our movement:
- 1959 in Wasserfall in the Federal Republic of Germany with 150 participants.
- 1960 in Saint-Loup de Naud (close to Provins) in France with 200 participants.
- 1962 in Botassart in Belgium with 250 participants.
- 1964 in Marburg an der Lahn in the Federal Republic of Germany with 400 participants.
- 1968 in Kergonan in Brittany in France with 700 participants.
- 1969 in Tholey in the Federal Republic of Germany with close to 1,000 participants.

France 1984
- Dates: from July 20th to July 26th, 198
- Location: Velles near Châteauroux
- Number of participants: about 5,000
This first Eurojam was announced by Pierre Géraud-Keraod in 1982; its theme was FIAT. On July 25th, all the guides, scouts and leaders consecrated themselves to the Virgin Mary in Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris: Our Lady of the Annunciation became the Holy Patroness of the green branch.

Italie 1994
- Dates: from July 30th to August 7th, 1994
- Location: Latio National Park near Viterbo
- Number of participants: about 7,500
Pope St. John Paul II hosted 7,500 guides and scouts of Europe in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Many guides and scouts shook hands with the future Saint.
The rovers built Notre-Dame of Eurojam’s chapel.

Poland 2003
- Dates: from August 2nd to August 11th, 2003
- Location: Zelazko, 60 km from Czestochowa and 60 km from Krakow
- Number of participants: about 8,500
This Eurojam rally gathered participants on the theme “Put out into deep water” (Luke 5,4) or in Latin DUC IN ALTUM. This is a call for all the guides and scouts who choose to live their Promise daily.

France 2014
- Dates: from August 3rd to August 10th, 2014
- Location: Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois, 50 km from Alençon and 45 km from Lisieux
- Number of participants: 13,000
The Eurojam rally in 2014 was also a highly symbolic event that took place under the patronage of Robert Schuman, one of the Fathers of Europe. Taking place during the centenary of World War I, it remains an unforgettable experience for the 13,000 young European peacemaker scouts.
To know more…

Pope Francis
To the Guides and Scouts of Europe gathered in Normandy on the occasion of their decennial meeting from August 1st to August 10th, 2014

Eurojam anthems
Pierre Jean Aspe and Tanguy Dionis du Séjour (France) each composed an anthem dedicated to Eurojam, i.e. “Come and see the works of the Lord”.

Eurojam prayer
A preparation prayer was written to accompany the project team during its four years of preparing this huge event.

Speeches by Martin Hafner, Federal Commissioner, at the opening ceremony on August 3rd and at the closing ceremony on August 10th

In retrospect
Interview with Father Bogusław Migut (Poland), Federal Religious Adviser 2010-2018, by Loriana Pison, Italian FSE association.