On January 29-31, 2021, the National Commission of the Association of Catholic Guides and Scouts of Brazil – AGEBR – met in the Southern Province, in the city of Gaurama in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
The following were present: Denis Duarte (Chairman of AGEBR), Marcos Jolbert (General Commissioner Scout), Fr. André Tavares, O.P. (National Religious Adviser), Leda Magnabosco (National Commissioner of Yellow Branch), Anderson Carvalho (National Commissioner of Green Branch), Walter Junior (Northern Province Commissioner), Leonardo Camelo (Midwestern Province Commissioner), Cláudio José (Southeast Province Commissioner) and Sérgio Moselle (Southern Province Commissioner).
The goals of the meeting were:
- To hold a Commitment Ceremony and receive function barrettes and a scarf from the National Commission;
- To treat aspects relevant to the strengthening and growth of the Association;
- The Presentation of the Statute, Revision of the Internal Regulations, and the Solar Round of the Association.
On Friday 29th, the meeting was opened with the Commitment Ceremony and receipt of scarfs from the National Commission: green scarfs in the color of the Brazilian flag with the UIGSE-FSE Cross in the triangle on the tip of the scarf.
On Saturday 30th, the Promise Vigil was held by some adult members of Erechim District, who made their promise on Sunday 31st in the parish of São Luiz Gonzaga, Gaurama city.
Every meeting was guided and coordinated by the Scout General Commissioner and the Chairman of AGEBR. The National Religious Adviser celebrated the masses and led the prayer of the liturgy of the hours.
At the end of the meeting, on Sunday 31st at 6 p.m., after the Flag Ceremony, everyone gave their mission, their life, and their work in Catholic Scouting to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church. Everyone proclaimed in a loud and clear tone: Ad Mariam, Ad Mariam, Ad Mariam – Brazil!
Text and photos : AGEBR