The Council of General Commissioners and Presidents gathered this year 50 participants from 18 different associations in Knockadoon, a beautiful place near Cork, Ireland! The location was wonderful, just by the seaside, surrounded by the Irish green countryside.
After an early Mass on Saturday morning, we had the joy to have the recognition of two new and young General Commissioners: Léa Rougé in the Netherlands and Hilde-Joanna Iana-Ebenhöh in Romania.

Then started the work session on the question of the welcome of non-European associations in the UIGSE. It was introduced by a presentation by John Reid and Paul Ritchi on the fantastic work they do with the FNE (Federation of North American Explorers) on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. This opened intense reflections by General Commissioners and Presidents on the question of the UIGSE’s identity and founding charisma, and what place could have these non-European associations in the Union.

The work session then continued with a session on the Eurocamps, presented by Quentin Hallay. The Union really intends to encourage these international camps, that gathered up to 5 units from different countries, so that guides and scouts can meet their European brothers and sisters and camp together.
After some free time (to discover the landscapes around us, or chat with others…), we had a great Irish dinner prepared by just one cook, and an authentic scout campfire with wonderful plays, some Irish dances, and even a piece of music played on the harp! It ended with a prayer around the fire. Thank you to the guides, scouts, rovers and rangers for having given us such a good evening!

On Sunday morning, the work session went on, we took conclusions of the discussions of the weekend, and ended with miscellaneous questions. We then had Mass, the closing ceremony and the Farewell!
Thank you to the Irish team for the such a great (and sunny!) weekend in your beautiful country! We are looking forward to coming back!
Ad Mariam…Europa!