The conflict in Ukraine is of great concern to us, especially because we have Scout brothers there. Fortunately, after communicating with the Ukrainian General Commissioners, we were relieved to learn that our Ukrainian brothers and sisters are safe for the moment.
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, several associations, particularly the associations located in the border countries, Poland, Slovakia and Romania, did not hesitate to immediately put themselves at the service of the Ukrainians in need. They are on the spot, helping to collect basic necessities, welcoming women, children and elderly people, listing needs, informing etc. The Italian Association has raised funds to buy 3 tents and an electricity generator which they will deliver next week to the Ukrainian border. We are very grateful to all these associations who give service in a true “Scout of Europe” spirit and brotherhood!
Also, several prayer initiatives have raised throughout the Union, showing a beautiful communion of prayer for Peace in Ukraine: a Rosary for Peace streamed online on Facebook by the Polish Association on Ash Wednesday, an invitation from the German Association KPE to their members to pray the Rosary for Peace everyday during this Lent, and so on. Prayer remain indeed our most powerful weapon for Peace.
We send a big thank you to all these Associations, but also to all those who act in silence through concrete acts of support or prayer.
Let us continue to pray for Peace in Ukraine!