In order to coordinate the UIGSE’s help provided to Ukrainian refugees in this war context, a team, supervised by Renaud Lannoy, Assistant to the Federal Commissioner, has been set up in March 2022.

A website dedicated to this project has been created:

The project is called Semper Parati and the motto is “YES, WE SERVE!”

On this website, the Union explains the three ways we can help:

First, through prayer: each guide and scout is invited to pray everyday a decade for Peace in Ukraine. Each association is also invited to organise by turns a Rosary for Peace on Sunday evening.

Secondly, through service: rovers and wayfarers are invited to come and serve on the Ukrainian borders, to animate activities for children and teenagers, and support refugees (help in arranging supplies and gifts for refugees, help in large places (halls) where refugees spend some time, etc). Also, some Scouts of Europe families have proposed to host Ukrainian Scout of Europe people in case of need.

Thirdly, through donation: it is possible to donate the UIGSE for financing the travel expenses of rovers and wayfarers who will come to the borders to serve. People can also donate to local associations recommended by our Polish, Romanian and Slovakian associations.