On the 12 and 13 March 2022, 60 branches and training experts from 12 different associations of our Union met in Odivelas, near Lisbon, for the 8th edition of the Woodbadge Days! The goal of this edition was ambitious: get back to the core of the scout method, with the aim to prepare a UIGSE training guide for chiefs and commissioners over a period of three years.
After the traditional morning gathering, the weekend was introduced by Nathalie Flama, Federal Commissioner, Joanna Skowrońska, in charge of this Woodbadge Days edition, with the help of Paul Giraud. The reflection started with an interesting conference given by Attilio Grieco, former Federal President of the UIGSE-FSE, on “how to be authentic scouts according to BP“.
The participants were then split in several groups to deeply think and reflect on what constitutes the essence of BP’s scout method and how it applies to the different branches.
After a really intensive day of work, brainstorming and presentations, Father Filip Bohac and Brother Jean-Baptiste Stern celebrated Holy Mass outside.
We then had a delicious diner spent in a joyful atmosphere, before visiting the Monastery of Saint Denis, founded by King Dinis I and built in the 14th century in Gothic style. There we could admire the typical Portuguese azulejos. We shared a beautiful evening prayer at the end of the visit, singing the hymn of the weekend: the “Alleluia” of Saint Michel!
The day after, we walked to a beautiful little church where we celebrated Sunday Mass.
Then, after a last workshop on “the purpose of training camp” and the conclusions of the weekend, we had the final gathering, where we thanked the Portuguese Association for their wonderful welcome, as well as Joanna for all her preparation work for this weekend. We then sang a last Alleluia, and “Auld Lang Syne” before everybody went back home.
Thank you for all of those who contributed to this weekend: the Portuguese Association team who managed the logistics very well, the pedadgogical team, the workshop leaders and all the participants!
Ad Mariam Europa!
Photos: Polish Association and UIGSE