Our national pilgrimage took place at the Austrian National Day on October 26th, 2021. Members of our scout movement and their families gathered at the Stille Nacht Kapelle (Silent night chapel) near Salzburg. During the short assembly at this place we were welcomed, an instruction on the course of the day was given and we tuned in to the pilgrimage with some songs. After that we lined up for the procession, cross and banner took the lead, followed by two scouts carrying the statue of Magna Mater Austriae, succeeded by all scouts, leaders, families and friends. Praying the rosary and singing songs to the glory of holy Mary the pilgrimage took its route along the Salzach river towards Maria Bühel.

After an hour of walking, we reached the pilgrimage church. The procession entered the church and we could celebrate a solemn holy mass. During the sermon the priest, our national religious adviser, encouraged us to pray the rosary.
Since we had good weather conditions, we could eat sausages and salad after the mass in the open air. Some scouts had put up a yurt with a campfire at the center. Later, we had homemade cakes and coffee as a dessert.

After dinner Rupert Santner, a newly ordained priest, unexpectedly showed up to give us his first blessing. The sacristan offered us a guided tour through the church.
Another gathering followed thereafter where Levi and his wife Maria were appointed as national scout and guide commissioners by the federal commissioner. Furthermore Wendelin took the obligation to serve as a rover and Thomas was invested as leader.
The national pilgrimage gave us the opportunity again to increase our community and our common faith.
Text: Simon F, scout of the patrol Wildschwein (boar) in the free patrol network.
Photos: Katholische Pfadfinderschaft Europas – Österreich