The Federal Council of the UIGSE met for an extraordinary session via videoconference on 29 May 2021 to prepare the next Federal Council planned on 2nd October in Rome, Italy.

After a discussion related to the update proposal of the Federal Statutes and Internal Rules that will be submitted to the vote of the next Federal Council, the Federal Bureau addressed the topic of the preparation for the elections of the Federal Bureau in October 2021. Indeed, the Federal Council will have to elect a new Federal Commissioner, Federal President, Federal Vice-President, Federal Secretary and Federal Treasurer (subject to the approval of the Statues and Internal Rules update proposal) on this occasion. The Federal Bureau intends to prepare these elections from now and to manage the transition to the new Bureau as smoothly as possible.

Antonio Posa, Federal President, took this opportunity to recall that “the Federal Bureau exists to serve associations, and associations exist to serve leaders“. Moreover, in the current context, where the values we defend as Guides and Scouts of Europe are increasingly under threat, the Federal Bureau stressed that it is important that we always remain faithful to our values, and to the direction taken by those who came before us.


At the end of the meeting, the Ukrainian Association  announced its wish to become a Recognised Association of the UIGSE at the next Federal Council. After the presentation of their Association, the Federal President congratulated them: “Our Ukrainian brothers and sisters impress us and give us good example, continuing scouting despite difficult circumstances. Chapeau!

We support you, dear Ukrainian brothers and sisters, in this step forward!