Atelier chorale à Sigüenza (Espagne)

Atelier chorale à Sigüenza (Espagne)

Le dernier week-end du mois de novembre s’est tenue la troisième édition de l’atelier de chant choral et de direction de chœur dans le petit village de Sigüenza (“Castilla-La Mancha”), organisé comme chaque année par l’ETN espagnole son et...
Atelier chorale à Sigüenza (Espagne)

Choir Workshop in Sigüenza (Spain)

On the last November weekend, the third edition of the Choir Workshop for singers and choir leaders took place in the little village of Sigüenza (Castilla-La Mancha), annually organized by the Spanish National Technical Team of Sound and Music. This year more than 60...
European High-Patrol weekend 2019

European High-Patrol weekend 2019

📷  Krzysztof Wowk – Wowk Digital Last weekend, the European High Patrol Weekend took place in Wrocław, western Poland: an international event in which one scout and one guide high patrol from every FSE association can participate. A high-patrol consists of the...