All associations federated by the U.I.G.S.E.-F.S.E. practise traditional scouting, on the bases settled by Robert Baden Powell, in a Christian interpretation. They fully welcome the inheritance of the founders of Catholic scouting: Father Jacques Sevin, the Earl Mario di Carpegna, Professor Jean Corbisier. The text of the Law, of the Promise, of the Principle and the Ceremonial belong to this inheritance.
The Charter of natural and Christian principles of European Scouting, the Religious Directory, the Federal Statutes, define the main lines on which the scouting practised by the associations of the U.I.G.S.E.-F.S.E. is founded.

So the U.I.G.S.E.-F.S.E. is an educational movement aiming at forming good Christians and good citizens, considering in youth:

  • Christian formation,
  • Formation of character and personality,
  • Sense of concrete things and manual ability,
  • Physical development through simple life in the open air,
  • Sense of charity towards the neighbour and preparation to social and civic life.

The U.I.G.S.E.-F.S.E. considers male scouting and female guiding as two different experiences and applications of the same educational scout method. Above all for educational reasons and in order to respect everyone’s vocation, the associations of Guides and Scouts of Europe welcome boys and girls in different units, with separated activities for the two sexes. Each association of Guides and Scouts of Europe is a unique movement in its spirit and its management, but it excludes any promiscuity in the units. By avoiding artificial separations, it even considers that the education of boys and girls must take place in different structures, in which it is possible to foresee some meeting moments.

The U.I.G.S.E.-F.S.E. wants to keep with other associations, or federations, or scout and guide movements, be they Catholic or not, correct and fraternal relationships to work together and build a fairer and more fraternal society, according to Baden Powell’s spirit and within the context of their specific educational project.