“The Union aims at gathering, in one same community of faith, prayer and action, the various national associations of the Guides and Scouts of Europe, the primary objective of which is to educate youth using Baden Powell’s traditional scouting method, based on the Christian values that are at the roots of our common European civilisation.

Beyond country borders, the Union wants to set up a true Christian life community for youth in the various European countries. Thereby, it means to raise awareness among the peoples of the European community, and at the same time, to develop a healthy culture of all the national values, which represent the diverse expressions of our common heritage.” (Items 1.2.1. and 1.2.2 of the Statutes).

 In 2024, our Union counts more than 73 000 members in 27 associations:







Country Association Membership
Albania Guidat dhe Skautët e Evropës Observer
Austria Katholische Pfadfinderschaft Europas – Österreich Full member
Belarus Katalickija Skautki i Skauty FSE Full member
Belgium Guides et Scouts d’Europe – Belgique /
Europascouts en Gidsen Belgie
Full member
Brazil Associação Guias e Escoteiros Católicos do Brasil – AGEBR Observer
Canada/USA FNE Federation of North American Explorers (FNE) Candidate
Croatia Hrvatska Udruga Katoličkih Skautica i Skauta Europe Observer
Czech Republic Asociace Skautek a Skautŭ Evropy (ASSE) Candidate
France Association des Guides et Scouts d’Europe (AGSE) Full member
Germany EPE Evangelische Pfadfinderschaft Europas (EPE) Associated
Germany KPE Katholische Pfadfinderschaft Europas (KPE) Full member
Hungary Európai Útmutatók és Cserkészek Observer
Ireland Guides and Scouts of Europe – Ireland Candidate
Italy Associazione Italiana Guide e Scouts d’Europa Cattolici (AIGSEC) Full member
Lithuania Lietuvos Nacionaline Europos Skautu Asociacija Full member
Luxembourg Europa Scouten vu Lëtzebuerg Full member
Mexico Movimiento Scout Católico Mexicano Observer
Netherlands Europascouts en Gidsen Nederland Candidate
Poland Stowarzyszenie Harcertswa Katolickiego “Zawisza” (SHK) Full member
Portugal Associação das Guias e Escuteiros da Europa (AGEE) Full member
Romania Cercetasii Crestini Romani Full member
Slovakia Združenie Katolíckych Vodkýň a Skautov Európy na Slovensku (ZKVSES) Full member
Spain Guias y Scouts de Europa Full member
Switzerland Scoutisme Européen Suisse (SES) Full member
Ukraine КАТОЛИЦЬКЕ СКАУТСТВО ЄВРОПИ (Catholic European Scouts) Full member
United Kingdom Guides and Scouts of Europe – UK Observer





Besides these associations, UIGSE-FSE maintains good informal relations with several other scouting organisations or small scouting groups in various countries.