Three to five units from different countries camping together: Eurocamps!

Join Eurocamps!

The aim of the concept is to develop small international camps through which your unit can experience a very concrete and rich European dimension of scouting. The goal is for every scout or guide to experience at least one Eurocamp during their time in the troop or company. Join us in the adventure!

To find out more, read this note (available in several languages):

If you are a unit leader and interested in joining us for the summer of 2025, apply in English using the following form:

Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a link to the spreadsheet of candidate units with which you can get in touch.

For more infomation, we remain at your disposal by e-mail at eurocamps[a]

 Why Eurocamps?

Share with other Units!

Join other Units in an International, European, camp!

Eurocamps are a way to share your common Faith, Values and Aspirations with scouts or guides from other countries!

Camp in a foreign country!

One unit will welcome, in their homeland, several other units from different European countries. This will allow the welcoming unit to proudly display their country’s culture, traditions and pride. And for the visiting units to learn from their brothers or sister in scouting in an international context!

Do you know how French, Polish, Portuguese or Italian scouts and guides live as scouts? Well come and find out!

Live your promise to the fullest!

“A scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other scout” – from the scout law, 4.

How often do you have the opportunity to live this law, especially the second part, in a concrete manner?

Join a Eurocamp to be a brother to other scouts from across Europe!

Once in a lifetime Experience

Summer camps are unique experiences you will treasure your whole life. They will be cornerstone memories you will think back to that will help you be a virtuous, Christian citizen and a saint.

How much more outstanding will your memories be at an international camp?

Find friends you can count on…

As a Christian, as a scout, a someone who has an ideal, you know you mustn’t be alone, you need your scout unit, your parish, your family, your friends…

With these friends you can grow and become a saint!

With Eurocamps, you will have the opportunity to make friends that will last you a lifetime and help you grow into the best person you can be!