CONTACT – the FSE magazine
CONTACT is our quarterly magazine:
- published four times a year
- in English, French and Italian
- It offers substantial articles on interesting, scout-related topics such as pedagogy, history, the explanation of UIGSE-FSE’s Basic texts, etc.
- And contains a small news section on the life of UIGSE-FSE.
- The publication is currently stopped but will restart in some months.
The name was chosen because a former FSE magazine already beared this nime: The word “contact” is understandable in many languages and it expresses the magazine’s will to reinforce the common bounds of all our associations and members, which is our common history, our fundamental texts, our pedagogy. The project was launched in 2016 by Attilio Grieco (Italy), Federal Chairman 1991-2006 and Martin Hafner (Germany), Federal Commissioner 2012-2018.