FRANCE – 6th Scout Art Festival

FRANCE - 6th Scout Art Festival


3 August 2024 - 11 August 2024    
All Day

Event Type

From 3 to 11 August, the French Association of Guides and Scouts of Europe will be organising its 6th Scout Art Festival, which brings together the singing road (which celebrated its 30th anniversary last year), the dancing road (25 years old this winter), the actors’ road and the orchestra camp, and takes place every 5 years or so. As with the All Saints’ Day gatherings in Paray and Vézelay, each of these routes follows its own section while preparing a concert, a folk ball, a campfire and other shows. These routes meet around Montbard (Bourgogne) for 2/3 days of festival during which they will show the joy of scouting to as many people as possible through the beauty of their creations.